Online prognostic nomograms for elderly LSCC patients with different postoperative treatment regimens


  1. The Calculator does not replace the doctors' assessment or advice.

  2. It must be understood that these risk prediction tools are the subject of ongoing research and will continue to be refined.

  3. The patients' actual overall survival could be different from the calculated estimate.

  4. Any clinician who uses the Nomograms agrees and acknowledges that:

To determine the optimal treatment regimen, use nomogram A, B, and C in sequence to calculate
expected LCSS, then compare the 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year LCSS rates between these 3 groups.

a. The risk estimate generated by the Nomograms should be interpreted by a clinician in relation to other risk factors and

circumstances for the patient in question and should not be used as the sole basis for any clinical or treatment decisions.

b. The information provided by the Nomogram must only be used as a general guide.

c. Any individuals involved in or contributing to the development of the Calculator will have any liability to the clinician or

any patient for the consequences of any clinical decision made - or any action or procedure taken or not taken -by the clinician

or their patient after using the Calculator.